We understand that occasionally missed appointments occur for various reasons. To maximize efficient clinic operation, we do our best to minimize last minute cancellations. We kindly request that you give us notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
We request a 24-hour notice in advance for a cancellation of an appointment and 48-hour notice in advance for cancellation of a procedure. Failure to notify in advance will result in a $35 charge payable at your next appointment. We understand emergencies do occur, and will determine when and if fees will be waived.
No Show
Any no show will be charged a $35 fee per occurrence. This will be due at time of next or future appointment.
Please do not come to your appointment if you are sick. We make every effort to provide a clean and healthy environment by not exposing staff and patients to infectious conditions. Anticipate your condition and plan 24-hours in advance for your appointment.
Thank you for helping us to be efficient in our scheduling and consideration of others.